LEB发布消息美国顶级主机服务商InMotion Hosting收购老牌VPS商家RamNode


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InMotionHosting成立于2001年,是美国顶级主机服务商之一,主要针对中小型企业网站或电子商务网站提供Linux主机,产品包括虚拟主机、VPS、独享主机等。InMotionHosting以高质量的产品性能和优质的客户服务赢得客户,尤其是访问速度发面的表现。 InMotionHosting在美国的东部(华盛顿)和西部(洛杉矶)都有数据中心。购买商务型虚拟主机或VPS的用户可以自由选择数据中心。 InmotionHosting提供主机空间行业内少有的90天超长退款保证期。


InMotion Hosting官网页面

LEB在3月4号发布了一条消息:InMotion Hosting Acquires RamNode,(InMotion Hosting收购RamNode)。以下是原文:

California-based hosting company InMotion Hosting announced today that they had acquired well-known LEB provider RamNode.
An official press release will come out next week, but in a post on LowEndTalk, Sunil from InMotion said:
1. RamNode was acquired in early February in an assets-only sale.
2. InMotion intends to continue running RamNode as-is with no major changes as far as “branding, consolidation or changes to the core product line”.
3. All RamNode staff have moved to InMotion, include Nick (@Nick_A), RamNode’s founder.
